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I want to preface this by saying I would never cheat on my wife. But I must admit, after being as married as long as we have, things have lost their spice. I think of the days when she was crazy about me. She would send me naughty nudes and dirty texts, telling me how badly she craved my cock throughout the day. Now I have to practically beg for her lights-off missionary once a week. Rather than succumb to a life devoid of lust and excitement, I have began to delve into the world of live girlfriends cams.

Being that these are babes who are ready and willing to give me all of the attention I desire, and with no strings attached, it’s a perfect exchange. I’m always sure to tip them for their time and talents, though I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of these chicks don’t even care about the money. You’ll see them butt-naked and using a dildo without any coaxing. They just want to cum as badly as you do.

Blogged Under: Dirty Diary