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hottieIf you use free hookup sites, you’d realize that it’s fairly easy to set up a hookup. It’s easy to set up an appointment to fuck. The problem is, it’s also very easy to screw things up. It’s very easy to send the wrong signals or do things the wrong way and totally drop the ball.

On the other end of the equation, it’s also easy to set up a free hookup site in such a way that it fails. If you’re thinking of making money through free hookup sites, pay attention to the following factors. They can ensure that you will lose your time, effort, and money with your free hookups site project.

Fail to recruit locally

Nobody in their right mind would join a website to fuck local pussy, only to find that that local pussy doesn’t exist. In other words, if I live in Los Angeles, California, I would not want to join a website where all the women are located in Montana. Do you understand where I’m coming from? This is very basic.

Unfortunately, a lot of guys who put up free hookup sites are completely clueless regarding this. They think that pussy is pussy, and it doesn’t really matter where that pussy is located. Absolutely wrong. How can you bang chicks that are located at the other side of the planet, how difficult should a booty call get?

Pack it with tons of webcam ads

A lot of guys who put up free hookup sites are so desperate to make money that they pack these with ads. I’m sorry to break this to you, but if your pages look like they’re loaded with webcam ads and penis enlargement ads, guys will get turned off. There are many other websites out there and you will see all the guys leave your site.

Blogged Under: Dirty Diary