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Now, you’re probably thinking that the title of this blog post is kind of weird and unusual. Usually when people talk about online dating, they’re always talking about words like sexy, memorable, enjoyable, and hot, that kind of thing. Well, if you really boil those concepts down into one core component, the keyword is effective.

You have to understand that you signed up for this type of entertainment because you want to hook up with a local hotty. You want to get physically aroused and maybe you want to jerk off to the model. Whatever the case may be, you want to get excited. There’s no shame in that game. That’s what millions of guys before you are into when it comes to online dating. Everybody’s on the same page.

The problem is that most guys expect this to happen almost by accideThey think that since they showed up at the appointed time and at the appointed online place, then they are entitled to a good time. This is where your problems start. Nobody is entitled to good results.

Even if you’re dealing with the most professional best-looking and most physically endowed model on the planet in history, you may still get disappointed. Why? A tremendous part of the online dating experience revolves around what the audience brings to the table. This is the component that not enough people are talking about. They are always talking about the quality of the network, the equipment, and other technical considerations.

I’m telling you right now, you can take all that and flush that down the toilet because if audience participation and audience component is not there you’re going to have a lousy chat session. That’s the bottom line.

If you want to really take your chat sex experiences to the next level, you need to have the right attitude. You need to rally the rest of the audience to truly enjoy the show and show real appreciation and respect. You need to breathe some life into the performer by encouraging her. If you get all these factors together, a good time will be had by all.

Blogged Under: Dirty Diary